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Can I park at the lake?Yes, pay with ParkMobile located at each of our three lots. Annual parking passes can be picked up at our office during office hours - 10:00 am-5:00 pm. Learn more about parking at the lake.
When can I fish at the lake?Fishing is open year-round. Fishing Fees can be paid here. Your receipt is your pass. You can fish sunrise to sunset. Purchase day passes here. Annual passes can be picked up at our office during office hours - 10:00 am-5:00 pm. The County requires a fee that goes toward restocking the lake throughout the year. This fee is not the same as a fishing license.
Why are there fees?Many of our fees are regulated by the county. In most cases our fees are in line with what the county requires of all regional parks. However, some of our fees are actually lower than those set by the county. You can compare our fees to the county regional park fees here.
Wait, the lake fishing fee isn't the same as a fishing license?The $10 lake fishing fee, mandated by the county, is what pays for the lake to be stocked. The state of California requires all fishers to have a State License to be permitted to fish. You can pay the lake fishing fee here.
What are the beach rules?
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